It is a handmade pot holder with a beautiful Japanese pattern. The outside and the inside use different fabrics. Since the quilting core is sandwiched, it is safe to touch hot cooking utensils.
【表側 Outside】
The base color is cute pink. On the large printed flowers, gold is the accent color. It makes the kitchen look bright.
【内側 Inside】
Flowers of various sizes scattered on the crimson base color. It has a patchwork-like design in places.
【商品情報 Product information】
サイズ(cm) 16 × 16 *ループの長さ 5cm
Size (cm) 16 × 16 *Loop length 5cm
Fabric: 100% cotton made in Japan. Quilting core: polyester. You can wash at home.
【クリエイターについて About creators】
Design: WaClub Production: Maho (highly skilled creator)